Friday, November 25, 2011

Need Advice... stressing out pretty bad here!?

Ok, so for the last 48 or so hours ive had the most chronic heartburn which has steadily been getting worse, ive tried the heartburn stuff, mylanta and all that, but nothing is working, not even coming close to easing the pain. Ive even tried taking some pain killers to stop it, but nothing is working. I had slight cramps last nite (not hormonal as i do not get that time of the month) which have turned extremely bad tonite to the point where my stomach is actually hot. Yet again pain killers dont help and when i threw up before, there was some blood in it, not much, but it was noticable, and it turns out i havent digested any of my dinner, which was eaten like, 8 hours ago. Its almost 4am here and i wont be able to get to the docs till the morning, and i wouldnt be in any state to drive myself anywhere right now, but i know im not going to be able to sleep coz of the pain, so im just wondering if anyone has any idea whats wrong with me?

Ive lost a fair bit of weight the last few weeks, and ive been heaps tired, but the blood tests the doc did a few weeks back just said thats coz im low in iron... I have also had extremely sensitive and itchy skin the last few days, i know thats prolly not related, but yeah... im freaking. thanks for ur time, i know its long, i just dont know whats going on hey.Need Advice... stressing out pretty bad here!?
idk, consult a specialist or a physistNeed Advice... stressing out pretty bad here!?
i really dont know what might be wrong with you, sorry! but i think you should call someone and get yourself to a doctor ASAP. maybe the ER if thats the only one available to you right now. this isn't just low iron. i know that much for sure.

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