Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CV advice for someone entering the big bad world...?

Hey everyone...

On Wednesday I did the last exam of my Uni life :( I graduate in July and so I guess I need to get me some employment...

Can someone give me some advice on what makes a great CV...?

I'm 20 and have had 1 summer job in my life (not counting the manditory babysitting stont as a teenager!)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...CV advice for someone entering the big bad world...?
First of all I'd advise you to make an appointment with your university's careers department as they should be able to help you.

The best type of CV is what is known as a targeted or functional CV, one that targets either a specific job or a particular career (rather than a very basic chronological CV that just lists everything you have done).

As Mrs M says it is a good idea to list the relevant info right at the start of the CV. After your basic details you could have a section entitled 'Personal Profile'.

In this section give a basic summary of who you are and what you are looking for. Also, list your interests/strengths in bullet points - ideally (for a targeted CV, amend this for every job you apply for - most job adverts give a list of requirements, so build your personal profile around these). The main thing is to back up each interest/strength with an example from your studies, employment or spare time interests.CV advice for someone entering the big bad world...?
You need to sell yourself in the 1st paragraph and put a great deal of effort in a covering letter. Try to mention phrases like team player, empathy, committed, enthusiastic as your key essential qualities.

Good luck
Less is more! Nobody wants to read pages and pages of stuff. Keep it short and to the point. Since you have no real work history, highlight your personal skills and attributes and your uni degree. Also, try a resume builder - you can find them online.
don't worry about past jobs, as people know that 20yo doesn't have much experience. just hilite good points, academic accomplishments, skills, etc
  • make up
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